The Last Days of Mahatma Gandhi: Manoj Jha
Monday, 29 January 2018 at 6 pm
Anhad Baat Cheet in collaboration with Oxford Bookstore
invites you to
A talk
(Remembering Mahatma Gandhi
On the eve of 70 year of his Martyrdom)
The Last Days of Mahatma Gandhi
Manoj K Jha
Manoj K. Jha is a Professor at Department of Social Work, University of Delhi. His research interests revolve around methodological and conceptual issues of social protest movements, minorities and marginalised communities. He is also a visiting faculty to School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi.
Oxford Bookstore
N 81, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110 001
RSVP: Manash – 9953970829
In a communication sent to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) sought his intervention in the matter of sealing of business establishments in Delhi.
The CAIT has urged the Prime Minister to bring a suitable Ordinance for giving protection to traders from sealing. The CAIT has further suggested that since multiple issues are involved in this matter, a Special Task Force may be constituted under the Chairmanship of Lt. Governor of Delhi and comprising of senior officials of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India and Delhi Government, MCD, DDA & other concerned Agencies and Representatives of Trade, to make a study of the multiple issues and their solution thereof within a time bound period.
In its communication to the Prime Minister, the CAIT said that the traders of Delhi are bing harrased & victimised on account of sealing under the guise of the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court by sidelining the fundamental provisions of The Municipal Corporation Act,1957 and the Monitoring Committee while exceeding its jurisdiction is working in a dictatorial manner giving no opportunity of hearing.
While listing out the issues, the CAIT said that the Monitoring Committee was set up by the Supreme Court to look into Commercial Establishments in Residential Premises but the said Monitoring Committee is exceeding its jurisdiction and passing orders of sealing in anywhere and everywhere at Delhi.The orders passed by the Monitoring Committee are general in nature and no specific charge is levelled against any establishments though misuse differs from building to building.
It is highly regretted that traders are deprived of taking shelter of the basic fundamental provisions of MCD Act,1957 which provide Right to have Show Cause Notice, Opportunity of personal hearing and put defence, Right to make an appeal to Appellate Tribunal and lastly the Right to make an Appeal to Administrator of Delhi i.e.Lt. Governor of GNCTD, Delhi.
The CAIT further said that there are many areas and markets in Delhi which were declared Commercial by MCD, DDA & other Agencies and as such levy of conversion charge do not apply but the Monitoring Committee is insisting of payment of Conversion Charges under the threat of sealing.Many areas are termed as Local Shopping Centres where plots were given by taking commercial rates and as such same premise of levy of conversion charge do not apply on them but again they are being forced to pay conversion charges under threat of sealing.There are many areas which are known as Commercial Markets even before the time of Mughal era and those areas are also being considered for sealing.
The sealing of business establishments in Delhi will certainly wreck the economy of national capital and will disturb the centuries old distributive character of trade of Delhi-added CAIT.
It is a matter of concern that the Monitoring Committee is acting in a most dictatorial way and has become an Administrative Authority on its own but unconstitutional and the officials of MCD and other Agencies do not muster enough courage to inform the Committee about their boundation as per explicit provisions of MCD Act and thereby conducting sealing and other activities by sidelining their own governing Act, the MCD Act,1957.Even the genuine explanation and documents of the traders are not being considered at all and no one is listening to the woes of trading community. The CAIT has sought an appointment with the Prime Minister.
India Sinks to Rank 177 of 180 in Environmental Index 2018
January24, 2018 (C) Ravinder Singh
As per UNFCCC Country Data India contributed 6.16% of GHG Emissions in 2012 for 2% of World GDP. In last 5 years thermal power – mainly Coal Fired plants generation increased by36.7%, petroleum consumption increased by 31%. Share of Thermal Power generation has actually gone up from 82% to 85% in Five Years. [2012-2017].
Coal/Lignite Based power generation in FY2016-17 is 945 BU in India when EU 28 Countries together produced 791 BU [2015]. Contribution of Coal Based power generation in India contributed 85% of electricity – EU 28 only 24%.
EU Produced 968 BU [2015] of Renewable Energy which includes [371 BU] Large Hydro – India to produce 182 BU from Renewables [60 BU] and Large Hydro [122 BU] FY2016-17.
EU Produced 857 BU of Nuclear Power – India likely to produce 38 BU only FY2016-17.
EU also produced cleaner 530 BU of Gas based power. India 49 BU only FY2016-17.
EU Produces 2355 BU Clean Power– Three Times Consumed in India.
At Present [Dec.2017] India’s GHG Emissions are 8% for 3% of World GDP.
5 Yr Growth
Installed Cap MW
Thermal Cap MW
Apr-Dec Gen BU &
Thermal Gen BU
EU – Trends in the consumption of different energy carriers within the total have changed significantly in the period 1990 to 2015, with a decrease of 40 % in the consumption of carbon-intensive coal and lignite, and of 11 % in the consumption of oil. Meanwhile there has been anincrease of over 20 % in the consumption of gas, which, in comparison to other fossil fuels, produces less greenhouse gas emissions. Renewables have seen the most marked increase with consumption increasing by over 190 % from 1990 levels. Consumption of energy generated fromnuclear power increased by 6 %.The share of renewable energy sources has increased to 13 % of gross final energy consumption. Figure 2-19). Electricity production from renewables has almost tripled in that period and now accounts for 30 % of generation compared to 13 % in 1990. The proportion produced by nuclear has slightly increased and was 31 % of total electricity production in 2015. –
India had not planned for CLEAN ENERGY – 36.7% growth in Coal-Thermal Power generation has Landed in a 177 Rank out of 180.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 8826415770, 9871056471, 9650421857
New programmes of DST and SERB for young scientists and researchers
Union Minister for Science & Technology, Dr. Harsh Vardhan today announced four schemes to promote young scientists and researchers in the country. The scheme primarily aims at early recognition and reward to young talent in the field of science. “The schemes focus on youth to empower, recognize and motivate them,” Dr Harsh Vardhan said, while announcing the new schemes.
The Minister said that in a bid to tap the potential of trained faculty in Universities, colleges and private academic institutions, 500 teachers will be assisted under the Teacher Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) scheme. It will connect them to leading public funded institutions like IIT, IISc or national institutions like CSIR, preferably nearer to their place of work to pursue research. They will be paid Rs. 5 lakh yearly, and a monthly out-of-pocket expense of Rs. 5,000. This will be in addition to the salary from their existing employer.
The second scheme – Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship offers support to 100 PhD scholars for training in universities/laboratories abroad upto 12 months during their doctoral research. They would be given a monthly fellowship equivalent to US $ 2000, one-time contingency allowance of Rs. 60,000/- to cover travel and visa fee.
The Distinguished Investigator Award offers a maximum of 100 fellowships to principal investigators of SERB/DST projects. “This one-time career award will be judged on the basis of a completed project,” said Dr Harsh Vardhan. “This is aimed at giving early recognition and reward to young scientists, he added.”
The selected 100 researchers will be given a monthly fellowship of Rs. 15,000/- for three years and an optional research grant, based on peer review of the project proposal submitted.
A scheme to encourage science writing seeks to tap the potential of over 20,000 PhD scholars in science to popularise and communicate their research outcome. Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research, AWSAR carries a monetary incentive of Rs. 10,000/- each for 100 best entries in a year and a Certificate of Appreciation, besides getting the story published. Three leading stories from the selected 100 would be awarded Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 50,000/- and Rs. 25,000/- respectively.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan said that these schemes will be notified and applications invited from across the country on February 1.
Teacher Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) Scheme of SERB, DST aims to tap the latent potential of faculty working in state universities, colleges and private academic institutions who are well trained but have difficulty in pursuing their research due to varied reasons including lack of facilities, funding and guidance. This scheme facilitates mobility of such faculty members to carryout research in well-established public funded institution such as IITs, IISc, IISERS and other National Institutions (NITs, CSIR, ICAR, ICMR labs, etc) and Central Universities located preferably nearer to the institution where the faculty member is working. Up to 500 TAs will be supported under this scheme.
Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship of SERB has been instituted for enhancing the international mobility of Indian research students which has the potential to create a talented pool of globally trained manpower. The scheme provides an opportunity for research students to gain exposure and access to top class research facilities in academia and labs across the world. This scheme offers opportunities for up to 100 PhD students admitted in the Indian institutions for gaining exposure and training in overseas universities / institutions of repute and areas of importance to country for period up to 12 months during their doctoral research. The selected fellows will be paid a monthly fellowship amount equivalent to US $ 2000, one-time Contingency / Preparatory allowances of Rs. 60,000/- to cover visa fee, airport transfer charges, medical insurance etc.
SERB Distinguished Investigator Award (DIA) has been initiated to recognize and reward Principal Investigators (PIs) of SERB/DST projects who have performed remarkably well. The scheme aims not only to reward the best PIs of completed projects but also to motivate the ongoing PIs to perform exceedingly well. This positive reinforcement strategy would effectively improve the productivity of the research undertaken and the overall efficiency of the research ecosystem. DIA is a one-time career award devised to specifically cater to the younger scientists who have not received any other prestigious awards or fellowships. The award carries a fellowship of Rs. 15,000/- p.m. and an optional research grant for three years, based on peer review of the project proposal submitted.
AWSAR (Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research) of National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), DST has been initiated to encourage, empower and endow popular science writing through newspapers, magazines, blogs, social media, etc. by young PhD Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows during the course of their higher studies and research pursuits. As over 20,000 youth are awarded PhD in S&T every year in India, the scheme aims to tap this tremendous potential to popularize & communicate science and also to inculcate scientific temperament in the masses. AWSAR carries monetary incentive of Rs.10,000/- each for 100 best entries from PhD scholars in a year along with a Certificate of Appreciation besides getting the story published/projected in mass media. In addition, three leading stories from the selected hundred would also be awarded cash prize of Rs.1,00,000/-, Rs.50,000/- and Rs.25,000/- respectively. Further, twenty entries would be selected from articles submitted exclusively by Post-Doctoral Fellows relating to their line of Research for monetary incentive of Rs.10,000/- each and the most outstanding story to be given a cash prize of Rs.1,00,000/-.
UDAN Phase-II: 325 routes awarded;
UDAN Phase-II: 325 routes awarded; 40% for North East, hills
Union Ministry of Civil Aviation has awarded 325 air routes under the second phase of government’s flagship UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam naagrik) regional regional connectivity scheme. Around 40% or 129 of 325 air routes were awarded to newly created category of ‘priority areas’ that include Jammu and Kashmir. Northeastern and hill states, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands.
The routes under phase-II were awarded to 15 airlines and helicopter operators after bidding process. These include major domestic airlines such as SpiceJet, IndiGo, Jet Airways and Air India subsidiary Alliance Air and four helicopter operators — Heligo Charters, Heritage Aviation, Pawan Hans, and Skyone Airways Airports to be connected under phase-II: Total 78 airports i.e. 36 served airports, 13 underserved airports and 29 unserved airports will be connected. In addition, 31 helipads/ heliports will be connected through Helicopters in priority areas.
These proposed routes will get VGF estimated at Rs. 487 crores per annum for fixed wing operations and Rs. 130 crores for Helicopter operations per annum in the Priority areas. The government provides VGF or subsidy for 50% of seats set aside for being offered at discounted rates by airlines and all seats up to 13 passenger seats for helicopters.
An important court ruling in Pennsylvania
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This week there was an important court ruling in Pennsylvania that gives us an even better chance of taking back the House this year, Naresh.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that Republicans unconstitutionally gerrymandered the state’s congressional map — a blow to Republican attempts to rig the system for their own candidates, and a victory for Democratic efforts to fight back.
Now under court order, Pennsylvania districts will be drawn more fairly — putting more seats in play this November. Plus, Democrat Austin Davis won yesterday’s special election in Pennsylvania’s 35th state House district by a 48-point margin. That’s 23 points more than the Democrats’ margin of victory in 2016!
With 24 seats to flip to take back the House this year, every single seat will make a difference.Let’s keep it up.
Hungarian Folk Days in India series,
Dear All,
In continuation with the Hungarian Folk Days in India series, we present to you a Hungarian folk music concert by MUZSIKAS on Tuesday, 30th January at 6:30 pm at the IIC Auditorium. Seating on first come first served basis. Please be seated by 6:15 pm.
With kind regards,
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NSIC sign MoU SME Corp Malaysia
NSIC sign MoU with SME Corp (Malaysia) on 25th Jan 2018 at 9.00am at Grand Ball Room, Leela palace hotel, Chanakyapuri,New Delhi.Shri Giriraj Singh Honble Minister of MSME, Government of India and Shri Mustapa Mohammed , Minister of International Trade and Industry, Government of Malaysia preside on this ocassion..
Press Invitation
Press invitation
for International level sports event
for International level sports event
India’s double Dutch challenge 2018
Place : Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi
Date : 25 january, 2018, Timing : 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
Manish Tiwari
[1/25, 09:43] +91 98100 77948: Media Invitation
Press Conference on All India Radio Tableau on Republic Day
Fielden Hall, (1st floor), Akashvani Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi
Place : Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi
Date : 25 january, 2018, Timing : 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
Manish Tiwari
[1/25, 09:43] +91 98100 77948: Media Invitation
Press Conference on All India Radio Tableau on Republic Day
Fielden Hall, (1st floor), Akashvani Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi
Director General, All India Radio Shri F. Sheheryar will address the Press Conference in Fielden Hall, (1st floor) Akashvani Bhawan regarding Tableau of All India Radio for the Republic Day pageant 2018 and also the launch of the theme song of ‘EK BHARAT SHRESHTH BHARAT’.
Note: The entry will be from Gate No 3
All Print & Electronic Media are cordially invited to cover the event.
Aircraft NAL-SARAS PT1N designed and developed by CSIR-NAL

Aircraft SARAS PT1N (14 seater) designed and developed by CSIR-NAL, a front-line aerospace research laboratory, has successfully made its maiden flight on 24.01.2018. The flight was commanded by Wg Cdr U P Singh, Gp Capt R V Panicker and Gp Capt K P Bhat from IAF-Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment (ASTE).
The flight was piloted by Wg Cdr B Panicker, U P Singh and Group Capt K P Bhat; pilots Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment (ASTE) twin-engine aircraft would be used for coastal surveillance as well as training young cadets on transport flying.
The aircraft took off at about 11 AM from HAL airport and flew for about 40 minutes at the maximum height of 8500 ft at the speed of 145 knots. The chase aircraft (KIRAN) was piloted by Gp Capt Badrish and telemetry was commanded by Gp Capt Naraynen, Wg Cdr Pandey and Wg Cdr R Sridhar (Retd). All the system parameters are found normal. It was a text book flight. CSIR-NAL sources said that this was the culmination of the efforts of team CSIR-NAL, IAF-ASTE, CEMILAC and DGAQA.
The primary objective is to evaluate the system performance in about 20 flights and the data collected from this shall be used to freeze the design of production version aircraft. The production version aircraft will be of 19 seat capacity and will undergo civil / military certification.
The flight was monitored by Shri Jitendra J Jadhav, Director, CSIR-NAL, Air Marshal Upkarjit Singh, Director, IAF-PMT & Chairman, FRRB, Air Vice Marshal Sandeep Singh, Commandant, ASTE, Shri P Jayapal, Chief Executive CEMILAC and Shri V L Raja, ADG-AQA.
The NAL Saras is the first Indian multi-purpose civilian aircraft in the light transport aircraft category as designed by the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL).The Saras (PT-1N) plane made its maiden flight of 40 minutes on 24 January, 2018.
Dhaka Open:Ankur Chadha occupies tied fourth
Ankur Chadha occupies tied fourth in round one of City Bank American Express Dhaka Open.
Bangladeshis dominate leaderboard as Shakhawat leads at 67
Dhaka, January 24, 2018: Gurgaon-based Ankur Chadha fared the best among the Indians in round one of the inaugural City Bank American Express Dhaka Open, a US$ 60,000 event, being played at the Kurmitola Golf Club in Dhaka.
While day one of the event tri-sanctioned by the Asian Development Tour (ADT), Professional Golf Tour of India (PGTI) and Bangladesh Professional Golfers Association (BPGA) was dominated by local favourites Shakhawat Sohel (67) and Md Siddikur Rahman (68) of Bangladesh who were placed first and second respectively, Ankur Chadha ended the day in tied fourth after returning a two-under-70.
The 23-year-old Chadha, playing only his third season as a professional, made a slow start as he was two-over through 11 holes. Ankur, who finished inside the top-60 on the PGTI last year, then had a late flourish with four birdies on the last six holes.
Chadha sank a giant 50-footer for birdie on the 13th and also landed his approach to within three feet for birdie on the 17th.
Ankur said, “I had a strong finish today with those four birdies between the 13thand the 18th. One needs to be patient here and try to keep the ball in play. This course cannot be overpowered. You cannot look for too many birdies here instead you have to play percentage golf.
“I finished 60th on the PGTI last year but I still feel my game was better as compared to my rookie season in 2016 when I finished 59th. I was playing with more confidence in 2017 and felt more at home on the pro circuit. Hopefully, I can capitalize on this good start over the next three days.”
The trio of Rahul Bajaj, Arjun Prasad and Shankar Das were placed tied seventh with scores of one-under-71 thus making it four Indians in the top-10 on day one.
India’s 3 lakh villages ODF
India’s 3 lakh villages and 300 districts & 10 States/UTs declared ODF.
6 crore toilets built under Swachh Bharat
The Swachh Bharat Mission is the largest behavior change programme in the world. Through mobilization of rural communities, the SBM (Gramin) has truly turned into a jan andolan, a people’s movement. As per a progress update shared in the Capital today, over 6 crore toilets have been built across rural India under the Mission. Two independent surveys by the Quality Council of India in 2017, and National Sample Survey Organization in 2016, have pegged the usage of these toilets at 91% and 95% respectively. As an outcome, over 3 lakh villages and 300 districts have been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF), across ten States and Union Territories, namely, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Chandigarh and Daman & Diu.
The progress update was shared by the Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Parameswaran Iyer today during a technical briefing given to the national media in New Delhi.
Terming this a “Sanitation Revolution in Rural India”, Shri Iyer said that 15 States/UTs are expected to be declared ODF by March 2018, and with this accelerating progress, the Mission is on track to achieve an ODF India by October 2019. He also shared some studies done by international agencies that estimate the health and economic impact of sanitation on a rural family. UNICEF estimates that the lack of sanitation is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 children in India annually. A Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation study estimates that households in ODF villages in India have significantly better health indicators.
Another UNICEF study estimates that a household in an ODF village in India saves Rs.50,000 every year by way of disease treatment costs averted, saving of livelihood by not falling ill, etc. At the macro level, a 2007 World Bank study estimated that lack of sanitation costs India over 6% of our GDP.Shri Iyer announced that the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation will be launching a mass media campaign to promote the twin pit toilet soon. A twin pit toilet is a toilet model that is economical, safe, easy to clean, eco-friendly, and is effectively a self-contained waste treatment plant that does not harm the ground water beneath the toilet.
Speaking on the issue of solid and liquid waste, he said that there was a paradigm shift underway in the way the Mission looks at this issue. He said that the Mission is moving from seeing it as a Solid Liquid Waste Management issue to seeing it as Solid and Liquid Resource Management, because waste is a resource that can be tapped and converted to wealth and energy.
Speaking on the issue of drinking water in rural India, he said that there have been a number of initiatives to reform the National Rural Drinking Water Programme. He enumerated several steps to improve the speed and quality of implementation of the Programme, especially targeting arsenic and fluoride-affected habitations.
Shri Iyer also shared some stories of champions of Swachh Bharat from the field, including women, children, differently abled and senior citizens, who have contributed immensely to the sanitation mission through their dedication to cleanliness. These champions have gone beyond their call of duty to make Swachh Bharat a true jan andolan.
Swachh Bharat on Social Media:
Swachh Bharat
Adv HC Mumbai Mrs Dipti Srivatsan Kale

Balgangadhar Tilak’s great grandson tortures women to suppress rape,victim turns to media after miscarriage of justice.
Disheartened from system,rape victim turns to media to send culprit Rohit Tilak behind bars.
A woman is misled,raped,tortured and attack with acid for raising a voice while the perpetrator roam the streets without arrest, destroying evidence and threatening the victim.
Balgangadhar Tilak’s great grandson tortures woman to suppress rape, victim turns to media after miscarriage of justice to spell fate of her case.
# Disheartened from system, rape victim turns to media to send culprit Rohit Tilak behind bars with petition file to -SC.
# A woman is misled, raped, tortured and attacked with acid for raising a voice while the perpetrator roams the streets without arrest, destroying evidence and threatening the victim the state of her case in peril.
# In a gross miscarriage of justice, great grandson of Balgangadhar Tilak has been allowed to roam free despite serious rape allegations against him.
Rohit Tilak has been accused of misleading a woman by claiming that he was unmarried, forcing himself on her and extorting money through black mail. On July 17, he was booked under sections 376 (rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) 504, 506 (criminal intimidation) 507 (criminal intimidation by anonymous communication), but was granted interim anticipatory bail on July 20.
The victim said that the Pune court allowed the anticipatory bail on the grounds of allegations against the complainant without submission of any prove for the same.
In addition, the victim was attacked by acid and asked to withdraw the case, so additional FIR has been filed for the acid attack.
Judge Mrs. Lata Yenkar, who was presiding over the case, forced the victim to make her identity public in front of at least 1000 men accompanying Mr Tilak to the court.
“The total disregard of every law, every procedure and total trashing of the basic fundamental and human rights of the victim by the judge Mrs. Lata Yenkar ought to be addressed and whether this gross miscarriage of justice and open violation of the basic right to life and dignity of a woman victim should be accepted due to this failure of our system to deliver justice or to protect our women,” the victim’s lawyer said in an open letter.
In an appeal to media to help her end the violation of a rape victims’ rights, in only this case but as a common practice, the victim’s lawyer Dipti Srivatsan Kale asked, “Every woman in this country has a right to life and a right to dignity and if this is the way that we treat the women who approach the courts for justice in a rape case, what would be recourse open to such victims.”
The lawyer claimed that Judge Yenkar mistreated the victim in court of law by shouting at her, refusing her an in-camera hearing and forcing her to reveal her identity despite clear laws against it. The judge also disallowed the victim’s lawyers to admit recordings of abusive calls made by Mr Tilak.
It is also pertinent to note that the husband of Judge Mrs. Lata Yenkar, also a judge and was suspended under anti-corruption enquiry and is now in practice and accessible.
The victim had filed a transfer application with the District Judge but that too was summarily dismissed. After Judge Yenkar retired from her duty, the victim moved the Bombay High Court seeking cancellation of Mr Tilak’s anticipatory bail but the court has kept the matter pending for four months despite repeated requests highlighting urgency of the matter.
Meanwhile, the victim and the witnesses continue to be threatened by Mr Tilak and his wife with forcibly recorded pornographic videos and images and abusive calls.
The victim has approached every forum under the law for justice and yet she was insulted and threatened in every way with no justice.
‘With much anguish and despair’ and 20 years of experience as Bombay High Court lawyer, ‘I ask the question, if women are raped and common citizens killed with no one accountable whether the institution of justice survives’, the lawyer asked in the open letter.
“As a lawyer and an officer of the court, I raise this question what can be done to correct the state of evil that has afflicted our law and order and judiciary,” she questioned.
The victim has appraoched the high court, the PMO, the ministry for law and judiciary, the national womans commissioner, the CJI and the CMO before approaching the Supreme Court to invoke the writ jurisdiction for violation of her fundamental rights
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