Friday, 7 April 2017


Sustainability & Scalability of Skill Development In India USINDIA Business Council at Taj Mahal hotel New Delhi
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USINDIA Business Council along with American Foundation organised today. Conference on skiling that aims to bring together stakeholders to focus ob challenges related to scalability and Sustainability of Skill Development programs in India and way the business cab play important role in supporting the Government’s objectives. India working is about 4% sill as per Joint Secretary Mr Asheesh Sharma Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship GOI. Skill needs certification essentially .
Skilling up-scaling, Re-scaling, tech Skilling needs continuity which can gain momentum unless Corporate dies their action rights.Delhi ecosystem is better and collective efforts by Gov Corporate and experts NGO. PM Kaushal Vikas Yojna with fixed target so that people follow. CSR formulation was done in 2014 by injecting in Registrar of companies ROC with business value and not in charitable way. We are not able to scale up Skill Dev within couple of years then skill nightmare is bound to happen. In order to skill happen across nation complete blueprint is needed right from plumber to CNC machine need from construction to manufacturing.Many sites are found in best of construction the alignment quality and neatness of work is absent which gives difficult acts to next technician of fixing best apparatus fixture and other fittings . Nearly ninety percent in informal system we need them bring into system. We need amicable labour laws need quality trainer.We in lieu thereof need Q master trainer to train the Trainer..Each speakers ask for corporate to pitch in to help the development of skill as they are the people who need hiring and put the skilled person on the jobs to get efficient services for their products and services for the costumers. However we need up-scaling at weavers handicraft and designers.with rapid technology innovation happening around us many skills are being raided and are waning thus skill need to more skilled by putting them in basic education system in School college and job. Technology skill need to imparted in education system which can improvise Skilling and upscaling this to change of time to develop and inspire youth to be Enterpreuner. The students need for their skill development three best, the Content, the Teacher, Industry job ready. Necessity of. Job is central to sill development thus employ-ability must remain be vital for the present future utility in various sector of Industry and trade.Along with industry institution we need across the nation large number of NGOs working in social and business slots which are demand by open market could be eatery drivers for various vehicles mechanic photography teaching at kindergarten to primary school level. Pedal and power Rickshaw operators migrating in large number in cities to earn their livelihoods along with cooks housing maid domestic help and eatery vendors pouring across the metro cities thus all these workers need skill upscaling and create swach bharat along with hygienic condition in services and product. Many best skilled get obsolete with change of Technology or advanced tech system as of robotics and automation. Thus skills  need to be in heels to look for IOT and the GOI is creating jobs in Instrumentation, Labs and other engineering converging with the help of  IIT and addressing high scale training. Employment is primary for skill training, skill needs to be professional initiated by NGO’s need to be scale up which can be absorbed by corporate and industry quickly and rapidly . Dr Sanjay,the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, spoke of need of Skilling of students along with mentors training, teachers skilling which are happening in universities and professional experts too need up-scaling . Online education are need of hours for which they can appear exams once a year and can work or learn in vocational institute for their employment or gearing up for the profession as per their need around the space in which they are placed.
Further more Many spoke of work dignity which are absolutely absent in our society and social engineering needs to shed some dignity, money and respect to these people. With skill people who  don’t have education also suffers from the ills of the society.
Those who have education but no skills which are essential and needed for the profession thus remains uneducated in practicability these educated class , has no experience thus remain unemployed or underemployed. Bridging the gap and blending the two is task of the corporate,NGO’s and other organisation to put them on suitable employments. More vocational education at schools level and at college levels could help the professional to grow in progressive pathways.

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