Sunday, 4 December 2016

New Delhi Samachar

TRUMPS BENGHAZI: 'Mad Dog' Mattis Has A Dark Secret In Afghanistan

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cleusa - Retired Green Beret and war hero Lt. Col. Jason Amerine, has accused retired Gen. James Mattis (a.k.a. “Mad Dog” Mattis), president-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be Secretay of Defense, of “betrayin...

The Barbary Wars

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Deplorable Me2 - What important American victory in the Barbary Powers Wars occurred on this date in 1801? (*See below for the answer.) The Barbary Wars The Barbary Powers Wars were the first wars officially declar...

Why Hillary Clinton Lost - Clinton ran against the single most unpopular candidate in the history of American presidential polling, and lost. Was this because Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee? Because FBI Di...

世界の記事まとめサイト - 世界の記事まとめサイト Nuclear button More scary  Lowering of the security level in USA.  大和タケル South Florida jury convicted a California woman on  Thursday of conspiring to send a $50 million missile-firing ...

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