Hillary Email Gaps Hide ‘Pay For Play,’ Benghazi Truth |
| www.investors.com - Scandal: Selective editing of her emails by Hillary Clinton staffers have left “months and months” of gaps of missing emails, including those from her trip to Libya from which an iconic picture has... |
Ty Woods’ Dad Seeks Benghazi Answers On Capitol Hill |
| www.investors.com - Benghazi: As new whistle-blowers emerge and Congress tells CIA staffers to lawyer up, a grieving father demands to know how and why his son died and why no one in the administration wants to talk t... |
Valerie Jarrett Gave Benghazi Stand-Down Order |
| www.investors.com - Scandal: The omnipresent power behind the throne some have called the president’s Rasputin had the power to call off three strikes against Osama bin Laden. She may have used that power again the ni... |
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