Wednesday, 16 March 2016

New Delhi Samachar
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
16 March 2016
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World Art & Entertainment Politics Sports Stories #benghazi #tcot
Lying About Benghazi Sole Hillary Accomplishment
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George Wallace
thumbnailwww­.investors­.com - Scandal: Documents from Judicial Watch show that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew from the onset, before she launched an inflammatory video lie, that Benghazi was a terrorist attack for whic...
Hillary Clinton’s Shameful Intimidation Of Gregory Hicks
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thumbnailwww­.investors­.com - Scandal In Libya: The secretary of state in the most transparent administration in history has her chief of staff warn a Benghazi whistle-blower to not spill the beans on Benghazi to a U.S. congres...
Hillary Email Gaps Hide ‘Pay For Play,’ Benghazi Truth
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Daniel John Sobieski
thumbnailwww­.investors­.com - Scandal: Selective editing of her emails by Hillary Clinton staffers have left “months and months” of gaps of missing emails, including those from her trip to Libya from which an iconic picture has...
ABC Censors Mother of Benghazi Victim’s Charges Against Hillary Clinton
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thumbnailnewsbusters­.org - In a stunning moment Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, in the March 9 Democratic debate, actually played a clip of Patricia Smith and pressed Hillary Clinton to respond to the mother of Bengazhi victim...
Democratic Lawmakers Call Benghazi Security Officers Liars
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Speed Prayers
thumbnailwww­.investors­.com - Scandal: The California Democrat who suggested that his party boycott the Benghazi Select Committee as a waste of time now accuses those who fought on the CIA annex roof of lying “to promote a new ...
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