Is German gold kept in US vaults safe

Most of states has their securities and gold kept in US Vaults.The dollar has its intrinsic value so the state of economy of US. But do the securities of the world kept in close guard has the holder has its International rights to physically verify to give its present value on its books or the value of the company is moot question needs to be revisited.
Bundesbank has announced plans to repatriate some of Germany’s gold reserves from abroad. At least half of the country’s gold would be transferred to Frankfurt by 2020, according to Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann.
Weidmann says 366 tons of gold worth €11.5 billion have been delivered to Frankfurt so far. “There are now about 1,400 tons or 41.5 percent of our gold reserves here,” the banker said.
In October last year Germany’s gold reserves stood to around 3,384 tonnes, worth about €120 billion, which is the second largest in the world after the US.
Weidmann added the rest of the gold will remain in New York and London, which he says are as safe as Germany. In case of emergency, these reserves would quickly be converted on the markets in these cities, the banker said.
The Bundesbank has been criticized at home for keeping a major part of Germany’s gold reserves abroad. Critics are demanding the complete return of the gold to the country. They regard the gold as insurance if a crisis comes, and the immediate physical availability would be the decisive criterion.
When trying to move gold from New York in 2014, the Bundesbank met obstacles from US authorities when officials tried to inspect the German gold kept in US vaults.
“I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the Bundesbank should be able to audit the gold once a year like it does with reserves in Frankfurt,” Hans Olaf Henkel, a German member of the European Parliament, told RT.
Some even doubted the German gold is still physically there.
“We are still missing … published lists of gold bar number, even though the US Federal reserve publishes this list for their own gold,” said Peter Boehringer, founder of the Repatriate our Gold Campaign.
Indian & Pakistani actors advocating waterless & chemical free Holi.
Aadhe Adhoore
Sonali Nikam a.k.a. Jassi – “I’ve always loved this festival. Since childhood, I’ve always spent Holi with my family and close friends. Like all festivals, this one too, dispels all negativity and is all about spreading cheer and happiness and the colours symbolise togetherness! I also want to tell my fans to play a dry Holi and save water. Happy Holi.”
Priyanka Khera a.k.a. Channi – “I do have some unforgettable moments of this colourful festival. I still remember when I was a kid, I would wake up really early in the morning while everyone was still asleep, slowly walk into my dad’s room with Gulaal in my hands, colour his face completely and even his hair would turn pink!! I also have memories of spending Holi at my Nani’s place with cousins. Those were some really fun times. I wish everyone a very colourful Holi, but request all to play a safe and chemical free Holi.”
Rohit Bhardwaj a.k.a. Viren – “I wasn’t very fond of Holi as a kid. Though I remember this one incident, when I was in the first year of college… my friends made me try Bhang for the first time, and this was a day before my Physics exam. I don’t remember what I wrote in my paper, but I did pass with flying colours (no pun intended!!) I’d like to wish my viewers a very Happy Holi and request them to have a chemical free Holi.”
Bhaage Re Mann (has gone in a season break)
Karuna Pandey a.k.a. Padmini – “Holi has always been a special festival for me and my family. My dad was with the defence services and we used to attend huge Holi gatherings that were celebrated in the traditional way with dance, music, Gulaal, water colours and traditional mithais. I like to celebrate a musical Holi with a geet – sangeet mehfil which really creates the perfect mood for the festival. This year, to celebrate Holi, I plan to make Gujiyaas as I am very fond of them. I request people to enjoy Holi and understand the true meaning of it….”acchaai ki buraai par jeet”… so play it safe, avoid playing with water and don’t spoil your surroundings. It’s the time to spread love and forgiveness and truly understand the sentiment behind this festival.”
Aamir Dalvi a.k.a. Rudra – “It’s great to play Holi with your family and friends but I totally advocate a waterless Holi! I would also like to urge my fans to play on this festival without water as there is a serious water crisis in our country. I like to play Holi with Gulaal and natural colours as they can be washed off easily. Enjoy this festival of colours with happiness and fervour but ensure that there is no wastage of water.”
For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the country will get public holidays on Holi, Diwali and Easter after its parliament recently adopted a resolution to this effect. Appended below are quotes from Pakistani actors who have played Holi.
Fahad Mustafa as Abdul Qadir in Main Abdul Qadir Hoon – “Holi is such a delightful festival, there is so much zeal and excitement. I am glad that the Pakistani Parliament have announced a holiday on the occasion of Holi this year. We totally deserve it because it has such an universal appeal. I personally celebrate lot of festivals be it Christmas, Holi or Diwali. I like the fact that in Pakistan, people celebrate varied festivals without any distinction of caste and creed, it only brings the country and the people together.”
Ahsan Khan as Aman in Meri Zindagi Hai Tu – “For the first time, a holiday has been announced for Holi in Pakistan and it is indeed great news! As I’m from London, I have friends from all around the globe and I love playing Holi. I totally enjoy this festival of colours and look forward to celebrating it every year with my Indian friends. I wish everyone a very delightful Holi. May the colours fill the air with love and laughter all around the world.”
21 March 2016
Message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
The world’s forests are essential to realizing our shared vision for people and the planet. They are central to our future prosperity and the stability of the global climate. That is why the Sustainable Development Goals call for transformative action to safeguard them.
In this first year of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the International Day of Forests focuses on their role in supporting water systems. Forested catchments provide three-quarters of all the freshwater used for farms, industry and homes.
City dwellers in Bogota, Durban, Jakarta, Madrid, New York, Rio de Janeiro and many other major cities rely on forested areas for a significant portion of their drinking water. When we protect and restore forested watersheds, we can save on the cost of building new infrastructure for water purification.
As the global population grows and demands for water escalate, safeguarding the water-providing capacity of forests is becoming more urgent. By 2025, nearly 1.8 billion people will live in areas with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population could face water-stressed conditions.
Forests are also central to addressing climate change. Forests provide one of the most cost-effective and efficient natural carbon capture and storage systems. Investing in forests is an insurance policy for the planet.
Yet, despite their critical importance, forests continue to be razed and damaged. Every year, 7 million hectares of natural forests are lost and 50 million hectares of forest land are burned.
On this International Day of Forests, I call on governments, businesses, civil society and other partners to adopt holistic policies and practices to protect, restore and sustain healthy forests for our common future.
21 March 2016
Message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
In the 15 years since the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, the world has undoubtedly come a long way in ensuring equal rights and non-discrimination. Member States have adopted new laws and safeguards, and established new institutions dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights. Civil society organizations worldwide working on racism are increasingly active and vocal.
Yet we have not yet done enough. Today we are witnessing a surge of intolerance, racist views and hate-driven violence. Racial profiling and violence against certain communities is on the rise. Economic hardship and political opportunism are triggering increased hostility towards minorities; this is being manifested most directly in anti-refugee, anti-migrant and, in particular, anti-Muslim bigotry, attacks and violence.
Extreme right-wing political parties are fomenting divisiveness and dangerous myths. Even once-centrist parties have hardened their views; once-moderate countries are seeing xenophobia rise sharply; and once-sober voices have exploited fears in a dangerous echo of the darkest chapters of the last century.
All of this increases the risk of societal fracture, instability and conflict. In these tumultuous times, we must stand up for rights and dignity for all, and for diversity and pluralism. We must speak out against anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and other forms of hate. An assault on one minority community is an attack on all.
The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action remains the most comprehensive framework for international, regional and national actions against racism. Yet I am concerned that the collective determination that enabled such a far-reaching agreement is being undermined by political expediency.
The international community acknowledged in Durban that no country could claim to be free of racism. This remains the case today. We must keep foremost in our minds the countless victims of racial discrimination. By implementing the Durban agreements, we can uplift not only those who suffer most profoundly but humanity as a whole. Let us unite to ensure dignity, justice and development for all.
United Nations Information Centrefor India and Bhutan |
22 March 2016.
Message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
This year’s World Water Day focuses on the links between water and jobs. Almost half of all workers – 1.5 billion people – work in water-related sectors, and nearly all jobs depend on the availability of freshwater.
Despite its paramount importance, water as a sector generally does not receive the attention it deserves. Water is central to human survival, the environment and the economy.
All workers can be harmed by poor water and sanitation. Of 2 million work-related deaths every year, nearly one-in-five are caused by poor quality drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
People with the least access to water and sanitation often also lack access to health care and stable jobs. This perpetuates the cycle of poverty. I am especially concerned by gaps between cities and the countryside, men and women, and rich and poor. The basic provision of adequate water, sanitation and hygiene services at home, at school and in the workplace enables a robust economy by contributing to a healthy and productive population and workforce.
We can take bold action to address water inequity as part of our efforts to realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Goal 6, on ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, addresses the need for access.
On this World Water Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to improve the quality, management and protection of water resources as part of our historic campaign to achieve a life of dignity for all people.
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