ChennaiFloods:Now in Singaporeflood heavy rain
ChennaiFloods:Now in Singaporeflood heavy rain rise to poorer winter.
#SGFLOOD: Heavy rain lashed this afternoon caused flash floods across the island as well as a fallen tree along Orchard Road appears to be clear case of eastern chillywinds crash midway causing rain due to lack of velocity thus Chilly winter in North India and especially at the foothills of Himalaya is not expected thus giving warmest winter in decades .
#SGFLOOD: Heavy rain lashed this afternoon caused flash floods across the island as well as a fallen tree along Orchard Road appears to be clear case of eastern chillywinds crash midway causing rain due to lack of velocity thus Chilly winter in North India and especially at the foothills of Himalaya is not expected thus giving warmest winter in decades .
TUTTI I SANTI GIORNI – Every Blessed Day
Dec 10 at 4:53 PM
Contemporary Italian / Contemporaneo italiano
Tutti i mercoledì / Every Wednesday @ 18.30
Mercoledi/ Wednesday, 16 December/ 16 Dicembre @18.30
TUTTI I SANTI GIORNI – Every Blessed Day
Romantic Comedy/ 2012/ 102 mins.
Director: Paolo Virzi
Cast: Luca Marinelli, Thony, Micol Azzurro, Claudio Pallitto, Stefania Felicioli, Francop Gargia, Giovanni Laparola
Cast: Luca Marinelli, Thony, Micol Azzurro, Claudio Pallitto, Stefania Felicioli, Francop Gargia, Giovanni Laparola
In Italian, with subtitles in English
Guido and Antonia are a young couple: he is Tuscan and she is from Sicily. They meet during a concert by Antonia in a club in Rome, the city where they now live. He works as a night porter and is passionate about literature and ancient history, with an obsession for hagiographies; she works in a car hire place and continues writing songs and brooding the timid hope to return to singing in public. Their desire to have children leads them to try various streets and confront radically different environments and people. Guido e Antonia sono una coppia di giovani: toscano lui e siciliana lei, si sono conosciuti ad un concerto di quest’ultima, in un locale di Roma, città dove ora convivono. Lui lavora come portiere di notte ed è appassionato di letteratura e storia antica, con un pallino per le agiografie; lei lavora in un autonoleggio e continua a comporre canzoni e a covare la timida speranza di tornare a cantarle in pubblico. Il loro desiderio di avere figli li porta a provare varie strade e confrontarsi con ambienti e persone radicalmente diversi.
Venue: Tessitori Hall, Italian Cultural Institute, New Delhi
Entry Free: For security reasons please show your valid Photo Identity Card.
This is the last film of the year 2015. We’ll inform you once the Film Screening resumes in January 2016.
Italian Embassy Cultural Centre
50- E, Chandragupta Marg (Entry from Nyaya Marg)
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110 021
Phone: 0091-11-26871901/03/04
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110 021
Phone: 0091-11-26871901/03/04
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Delhi Government’s Delhi Statistical Hand Book 2015 released

Naresh Kumar Sagar
PHD: Delhi government has released its Statistical Handbook, 2015 recently. The handbook provides deep insights about the capital city.
The main highlights of the handbook are mentioned below:
· Delhi recorded the highest per capita income among all states in the country at Rs 2,40,849 during financial year 2014-15, a rise of nearly 13.50% over the corresponding period of last year.
· The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Delhi , at current prices, in 2014-15 has increased to over Rs 4.51 lakh crore, a growth of 15.35% over the previous year.
· At constant prices, the growth of the GSDP for 2014-15 is 12.81% as compared to 7.4% recorded at national level.
· The Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) at current prices during 2014-15 has increased to 43.19 lakh crore, recording a rise of 15.66% while at constant prices it rose to 2.25 lakh crore recording a rise of 8.28%.
GSDP by Economic Activity (at constant prices)
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt of Delhi
Note: 3rd RE: Third Revised Estimates; 2nd RE: Second Revised estimates; 1st RE: First Revised Estimates,
AE: Advanced Estimates
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt of Delhi
Note: 3rd RE: Third Revised Estimates; 2nd RE: Second Revised estimates; 1st RE: First Revised Estimates,
AE: Advanced Estimates
· Over 1.5 lakh cars were added to the capital’s roads this financial year along with 3.5 lakh bikes and scooters, taking the number of total registered vehicles whopping 88.27 lakh.
· The Birth rate per 1000 population is recorded at 20.88 while the Death rate has been registered at 6.77. The Infant Mortality rate of the capital stands at 21.66.
· The Literacy rate of Delhi stands at 86.2% and the sex ratio of Delhi stands at 868 per 1000 population.
The link of the Handbook has been given below for your kind reference-

Swaraj Abhiyan’s Synthesis of Delhi Janlokpal Bills
Naresh Kumar Sagar
Today at 1:31 AM
Dear Friends,
You must have heard that Delhi Government under Kejriwal’s leadership has recently passed the JanLokpal Bill. Yes, it’s true. A Bill has been passed which has been named JanLokpal. The Delhi government is claiming that they have passed the country’s strongest JanLokpal Bill and it’s the same Bill that they had tabled in Delhi Assembly in 2014. Decide for yourself how much truth there is in this claim by reviewing the material below.
- Key points of Comparison between 2014 and amended 2015 Delhi Janlokpal Bills
- Video of Santosh Hegde on 2015 Delhi Janlokpal Bill
- Video of Google Hangout with Prashant Bhushan on 2015 Delhi Janlokpal Bill
- Video of Anna demanding 2014 JanLokpal Bill
- Detailed comparison chart of 2014 and amended 2015 Delhi Janlokpal Bills
1. Key points of Comparison between 2014 and amended 2015 Delhi Janlokpal Bills
Selection of JanLokPal
2014: Selection Committee was to consist of 7 members who were neither from government, nor were politicians or elected by politicians. That is to say, that such a JanLokPal could have been made which was not favoured by the Chief Minister.
2015: After active opposition by Prashant Bhushan, Santosh Hegde, Anna Hazare, this section was amended. As per new amended law, Selection Committee will consist of 7 members (was only 4 before being opposed) out of which 3 will be politicians, fourth will be appointed by politicians and only two members will be non-political. Seventh member will also be as per choice of the government because it will have influence in appointment of this member. This means, till the Chief Minister doesn’t want, a person cannot be appointed as the Lokpal. Will this kind of Lokpal be independent from government and political class?
Removal of JanLokPal
2014: Only High Court could remove the JanLokPal. Neither politicians nor government played any role in the removal
2015: High Court can hold an enquiry against a JanLokPal, but removal will be decided by Legislative Assembly. This straight away means that in case JanLokPal is found guilty, the Chief Minister can retain the JanLokPal. Note again that the high court enquiry clause was added only after being strongly opposed.
If removal of JanLokPal is in hands of the Chief Minister, won’t the JanLokPal be under pressure to give in to Chief Minister? |
Investigation Agency
2014: JanLokPal had its own investigation agency, entire control over its own funds as well.
2015: It will neither have its own investigation agency nor will it be able to spend its funds as per its own choice. If Lokpal is dependent on the Government for funds and investigation, will it be able to investigate corruption independently?
2014: All Delhi Government employees, Delhi Police, DDA and MCD employees were in ambit of JanLokPal. It was clearly mentioned that Chief Minister, Ministers and MLAs will come under its ambit.
2015: There is no mention of Chief Minister, Ministers and MLAs coming under jurisdiction of JanLokPal.
Rather it says that JanLokPal will investigate corruption that happens in Delhi. This is to say, that if Delhi Government employee takes bribe in NOIDA or Gurgaon, then JanLokPal will not be able to investigate it. But, if a Minister or employee of Central Government or employees of other State Governments posted in Delhi do any corruption in Delhi, then it will be investigated by JanLokPal.
This jurisdiction of State JanLokPal over Central officials was never envisaged in any version of JanLokPal Bill in Anna Andolan or even the Delhi 2014 JanLokPal Bill. These people would come under Central Lokapl Bill. Why has such a mischievous clause been added to expand the jurisdiction of the Delhi State JanLokPal? Is it to ensure that the Bill does not get passed in Parliament, knowing that Central government will never agree to such a clause and they have to approve the Bill for it to become Law.
2014: Appointment and working of JanLokPal was to be carried out with transparency. For selection, a Search Committee was to be made which would put name of prospective JanLokPal on website and seek opinion of public. A video of Hearing by Janlokpal was also to be made which any person could get for a fee.
2015: Search Committee has been removed completely. As for Hearing, not only ordinary citizen but even Courts cannot get access to it.
Why has transparency been so gravely compromised? What is the intention behind it?
2. Views of Justice Santosh Hegde another key member of Team Anna Drafting Committee, who has been waging a war against corruption in Karnataka through Lokayukta
3. Google Hangout with Prashant Bhushan, anti corruption crusader and key member of Team Anna JanLokPal Bill drafting committee.
4. Watch Anna Hazare demanding 2014 Janlokpal Bill
5. Detailed comparison of 2014 and 2015 Delhi JanLokpal Bill attached.
Friends, a dream was born in Ramlila Maidan – A dream of corruption free India. That dream was given a shape of a draft which was named Janlokpal Bill. Lakhs of people agitated on the streets demanding that Central Government make it into a law. But, when government turned a deaf ear and challenged the activists to come to power and implement the JanLokpal bill, a Political Party was born out of this Movement – the Aam Aadmi Party.
People of Delhi gave all their support and love to the Party that was formed on the promise of Janlokpal and made Arvind Kejriwal Chief Minister. In 2014, when Mr. Kejriwal was stopped from tabling and passing Janlokpal Bill, he resigned stating that he will sacrifice hundreds of such posts for this Bill.
Elections were held again and this time the public gave a full mandate of 67 out of 70 seats. Everyone thought that as soon as the Government is formed, this Bill will be passed.
But, lo and Behold!
As soon as Kejriwal became CM, the JanLokpal for which, he had been ready to sacrifice the CM post hundred times, was entirely changed. Every clause and provision that made JanLokPal independent and strong were removed. All the promises that he himself had made at Ramlila Maidan were broken. When Prashant Bhushan challenged Kejriwal for an open debate, the person who earlier used to challenge everyone for debates, himself fled from this challenge.
It is a common thing for Political Parties to promise the moon during elections but not fulfil them once in power. But, by introducing this kind of toothless JanLokPal Bill, Aam Aadmi Party is murdering the dream of a strong Janlokpal which would have curbed corruption that millions of patriots had dreamt and struggled for. Today, once again, lie, deceit and power is dwelling in palaces and truth is on streets. But, we all know that truth can be tormented but never defeated.
Prashant Bhushan – “Today, the soldiers of Janlokpal Movement will again have to come together for fight against Corruption. Once again we will have to light this torch and march ahead.”
To join, please give a missed call at 011-4666-6662.
Paris negotiators onto clinching deal

Dec 11
Negotiators at the Paris climate summit have been working through the night to try to reach a global agreement, with talks in their final day. There is a widespread expectation that the deal will be signed today, though the timings are uncertain. Delegates worked through yesterday night on a draft version to iron out the key barriers to an agreement.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who is chairing the summit, told that he thinks they will make it. This was seen as a significant moment after discussions that began in 2011 about a new global agreement that would stake out a long-term strategy for dealing with climate change. Any deal signed here in Paris would come into being in 2020.
The main sticking points on reaching a climate change agreement here have been over finance, long-term goals and differentiation. Some campaigners were not happy with Thursday’s draft, saying it denied climate justice. Other groups though found positives in the latest version.
But despite these differences, there is optimism here that a compromise can be found. The French government has been praised for its handling of this summit and for pushing for a deal to be reached.
Delhi Biggest Polluter, Tax Evader, Trading Hub, No Industry
Honorable Chief Justice of India Justice TS Thakur Has in First Week of Working has already up taken Two Critical Reforms – Qualification Requirement for Elected Representatives & Environment Pollution.
I was critical of GST essentially because it would lead to near total monopoly of tax collections with Center and States will not generate enough funds for their Social & Economic Programs.
When Delhi GDP is Rs.4,51,153 Crores – Motor Vehicles Tax collected is barely Rs.1,558 Crores for 9m MV Registered in Delhi and Many More Entering Delhi not even 0.4% of Delhi State GDP. Sales Tax Collection Just Rs.3,422 Cr or 0.8% of State GDP – in per capita terms Rs.900 for MV and Rs.2000 for ST. VAT Collection was Rs.18,289 Cr or 4% Of GDP. This is points to Massive Tax Evasion & Too Little Budget for Social Services. Delhi Industry is MOST POLLUTING BASIC INDUSTRIES Index 102 [2004-05 Base Yr = 100]
Economic Survey of Delhi 2014 – 2015 [Website]
GDP Growth 15.67%, But Tax Collection Up 2.64%
[Motor Vehicle Tax 10.61%, State Excise 8.59% & VAT 2.03%]
This Scandalous as Tax Collection in Delhi is Pathetic – Even When GDP Records Growth of 15.67% – Tax Collection Goes Up By Just 2.64%.
Chapter 4. Para 8: Tax Collection of Delhi Government registered a growth of 2.64 per cent in 2014-15 (Prov) as compared to the growth of 10.61 per cent in 2013-14. All components in the tax revenue showed a lesser growth during 2014-15 (Prov). Stamps and Registration fees recorded the negative growth of 4.34 per cent in 2014-15. Tax collections under Motor Vehicle Tax, State Excise and VAT recorded a growth of 10.61 per cent, 8.59 per cent and 2.03 per cent respectively while Other Taxes comprising Luxury Tax, Entertainment Tax, Betting Tax, etc, registered a growth of 6.20 per cent during 2014-15(Prov). Entrainment tax including Cable TV Tax recorded the lowest growth of 3.28 per cent during 2014-15 (Prov).
Delhi Pollution Causing Trading Hub
It is Scandalous when VAT & ST in Delhi together is barely 4.8% of GDP – Trading Centers – Azadpur Market to Nehru Place, Sadar Bazaar to Sarojini Nagar are most Crowded and Source of MAX Pollution – Highest TAX EVASION POINTS.
Chapter19: — It is major distribution centre borne out by the fact that 49 per cent of the fuel, 47 per cent of food grains, 44 per cent of iron and steel and 78 per cent of fruit and vegetables imported to Delhi are re-exported to other parts of India as well as foreign nations also. Delhi also has a ‘Container Depot at Tughlaqabad’.
Haryana & UP states have Own Refineries yet 49% of Fuel is Exported, and 47% Food Grains, 44% of Steel, 78% RAW Fruits & Vegetables are Exported.
Surely These Bulk Commodities Don’t Contribute to TAXES – But Only to Pollution Can Be Relocated Outside Delhi – Delhi to Import Processed or Cleaned Fruits & Vegetables Directly Delivered to Homes Like Milk Supply.
Chapter 13: Source of Raw water in Delhi is from Ganga River (330 MGD), YamunaRiver (207 MGD), Bhakra Storage (218 MGD) and from ground water (80 MGD). The water treatment and supply capacity, which was 650 MGD in 2002 has been increased to 906 MGD in 2014.
Yamuna Award 444 MDG – Get 207 MGD – Need 1000 MGD
When Delhi needs 1000 MGD of Surface Water – Yamuna Contributes just 207 MGD as but is actually entitled to 730 MCM of Water – or 2 MCM Per Day as per 1954/1994 Yamuna Tribunal Awards or 444 MGD. In 61 years Delhi couldn’t get water allocation based on average requirement than Fluctuating Inflows.
Delhi could well have Drawn 1000 MGD & Returned 600 MGD water
in to Agra Canal for Haryana use after Water Treatment.
In absence of Renuka, Lakhwar & Vyasi Dams –
3000 MGD of Water is Lost to Sea Every Year in Monsoon.
Chapter15 – Gross Budget plan and non plan expenditure under education, higher education and technical education, sports and arts and culture sector is Rs.3852 Cr or just 0.8% of Delhi GDP. Most Delhi students go out of Delhi for Studies due to inadequate Seats and Delhi Government continuing with Useless ARTS Courses not MATCHING the NEEDS OF DELHI STUDENTS.
Most of 4.4m Delhi School Children are not admitted to nearest schools
add to say 6m Avoidable Daily TRIPS in Buses, Autos & Taxis.
Chapter16 – When Delhi has Worst Air Quality & Water Most Polluted in the World, Delhi the richest state Spend just $30 per capita on Healthcare.
GDP Grows But Plan Budget STAGNANT Rs.13,500 – 3% GDP– 4% Earlier > 45% of 12th Plan Target Achieved in 1St 3 Yrs.
Chapter7 – Plan Expenditure of Delhi in Three Years of 12th Plan is Rs.13,237 Cr, Rs.13,994 Cr and Rs.13,272 Cr – for Delhi GDP figures of Rs.334915 Cr, Rs. 391125 Cr and Rs. 451154 Cr. 12th Plan Exp is Down to 3% from 4% in First Yr.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471, 9718280435, 9650421857
Indian Marketing Awards 2015
India’s most respected & oldest awards in marketing domain on Friday 11th Dec 2015 at Le Meridien Gurgaon, 5:00 pm onwards.
This is the 2nd year of the Indian Marketing Awards which we hope will set the benchmark of marketing excellence and recognize the key role Marketing plays in creating, communicating, capturing and sustaining value for a Company. The Awards will be presented to organizations, to the individuals and teams that have achieved extraordinary success from innovative and effective marketing practices, across industries and domains.
The winners of IMA have been shortlisted carefully by 11 Jury members from Marketing Profession. Shantanu Khosla, Managing Director- Consumer Business, Crompton Greaves; Former Managing Director, P&G India was head of the Jury of IMA this year along with the other Jury members: Amarjit Batra, CEO, OLX India; Dave Thomas, Managing Director- Adidas Group; Manoj Kumar, Managing Director, GSK Consumer Healthcare; Manu Jain, India Head, Xiaomi; Mohit Khattar, MD & CEO, Godrej Nature’s Basket; Rakshit Hargave, Managing Director, Nivea India; Sam Balsara,Chairman, Madison World; Umang Bedi, Managing Director – South Asia, Adobe; Vivek Khanna, CEO, Hindustan Media Ventures; Salil Kapoor, COO, Dish TV; R S Sodhi, Managing Director, Amul; Sandeep Kaul, CE- Personal Care, ITC Limited.
Th Jury has been careful in evaluating the 370 nominees on the parameters which is the benchmarks for the industry and managed to impartially cast their votes which have been collated and the winners being identified.
The Awards Nite ceremony will start with the keynote address from Mr. Vineet Nayar, Former Chairman, HCL Technologies and Mr. Anand Kripalu, CEO & MD, United Spirits sharing their valuable insights on Marketology. CEOS/ Marketing Heads/ CEO’s of the Media fraternity/ leading Media agencies will all be the part of this Awards Night.
Distinguished Brands like Tata Steel, Whirlpool, Videocon, American Express, Reliance, Max Life, Canara bank, Bharti AXA, HPCL, Zee, SAP, Viacom, Jubilant foods, Bajaj Allianz, Amul, Star, Kotak Mahindra, HCL, Dabur, Piramal Enterprise, TTK Prestige, Bombay Dyeing, Olx, Kellogg India, Monster, Blackberry, HTC, Bata, McDonalds, Godrej Properties, TVS Motors, Volvo, Aviva, HDFC Life, HSBC, Axis Bank, Dish TV, Airtel, India Today, Mondelez, Snapdeal, Muthoot Finance, Motherdairy, Godrej Consumers, DS Group, Kotak Securities, PNB Housing Finance will be part of this awards night.
This is the 2nd year of the Indian Marketing Awards which we hope will set the benchmark of marketing excellence and recognize the key role Marketing plays in creating, communicating, capturing and sustaining value for a Company. The Awards will be presented to organizations, to the individuals and teams that have achieved extraordinary success from innovative and effective marketing practices, across industries and domains.
The winners of IMA have been shortlisted carefully by 11 Jury members from Marketing Profession. Shantanu Khosla, Managing Director- Consumer Business, Crompton Greaves; Former Managing Director, P&G India was head of the Jury of IMA this year along with the other Jury members: Amarjit Batra, CEO, OLX India; Dave Thomas, Managing Director- Adidas Group; Manoj Kumar, Managing Director, GSK Consumer Healthcare; Manu Jain, India Head, Xiaomi; Mohit Khattar, MD & CEO, Godrej Nature’s Basket; Rakshit Hargave, Managing Director, Nivea India; Sam Balsara,Chairman, Madison World; Umang Bedi, Managing Director – South Asia, Adobe; Vivek Khanna, CEO, Hindustan Media Ventures; Salil Kapoor, COO, Dish TV; R S Sodhi, Managing Director, Amul; Sandeep Kaul, CE- Personal Care, ITC Limited.
Th Jury has been careful in evaluating the 370 nominees on the parameters which is the benchmarks for the industry and managed to impartially cast their votes which have been collated and the winners being identified.
The Awards Nite ceremony will start with the keynote address from Mr. Vineet Nayar, Former Chairman, HCL Technologies and Mr. Anand Kripalu, CEO & MD, United Spirits sharing their valuable insights on Marketology. CEOS/ Marketing Heads/ CEO’s of the Media fraternity/ leading Media agencies will all be the part of this Awards Night.
Distinguished Brands like Tata Steel, Whirlpool, Videocon, American Express, Reliance, Max Life, Canara bank, Bharti AXA, HPCL, Zee, SAP, Viacom, Jubilant foods, Bajaj Allianz, Amul, Star, Kotak Mahindra, HCL, Dabur, Piramal Enterprise, TTK Prestige, Bombay Dyeing, Olx, Kellogg India, Monster, Blackberry, HTC, Bata, McDonalds, Godrej Properties, TVS Motors, Volvo, Aviva, HDFC Life, HSBC, Axis Bank, Dish TV, Airtel, India Today, Mondelez, Snapdeal, Muthoot Finance, Motherdairy, Godrej Consumers, DS Group, Kotak Securities, PNB Housing Finance will be part of this awards night.
Annurag Batra
Chairman & Editor-in-Chief
exchange4media Group
Chairman & Editor-in-Chief
exchange4media Group
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