Saturday 6 April 2013

Documents expose global impact of offshore tax havens.

The Center for Public Integrity. Investigative journalism from a nonprofit newsroom
April 5, 2013
Weekly Watchdog -- The week's best stories from the Center for Public Integrity
From Executive Director Bill Buzenberg
Documents expose global impact of offshore tax havens. Executive Director Bill Buzenberg
Inside the offshore money maze
Secret records reveal the names behind covert companies and private trusts in offshore hideaways.
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Consider the Source
Governors’ groups rely increasingly on ‘dark money’
Powerful state governors’ associations are pumping more funds into nonprofit arms.
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GOP nonprofit’s donors outed
Donors to Republican Governors Association nonprofit include hospital company that backed Obamacare.
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Primary Source
Anatomy of a fundraising email
Democrats’ latest fundraising pitch rife with misleading rhetoric.
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Wendell Potter
Health plans push costs to customers
Employers, insurers see high-deductible health plans as wave of the future.
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Juvenile Justice
Criminologists question NRA’s school safety strategy
Criminologists say gun lobby strategy ‘superficially simple’
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Pentagon bidding process fails to improve
The military uses less competitive bidding even though single-source work costs more.
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Hard Labor
New scrutiny of grain deaths
The Justice Department might again consider criminal charges in case reported by Center and NPR.
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B-2 flights send expensive message
Bombers cost $135,000 per hour to fly; two round trips to S. Korea, maybe a cool $5.4 million.
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Less money for risky weapons
Sec. Hagel decries spending on overly costly and risky weapons systems.
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Dangers in the Dust
U.S. can’t kick asbestos habit
More than 50 countries have banned asbestos, a toxic mineral linked to cancer and other diseases. The United States isn’t one of them.
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Center awards
‘Hard Labor’ wins Poe award
Honor is Center’s first White House Correspondents’ Association award.
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